Questionrecently I installed a new throttle cable and I think that I may have switched the throttle slides around. How do you know the throttle slides are installed correctly? Thanks
AnswerHi Dan,
The throttle slides have a cutaway on the bottom
of the slide. The cutaway part always faces
the rear as it allows air into the carb.
The slides will fit backwards if you switch the left and
right but then the cutaway part will be facing the engine which
will cut off the air flow causing an excessively
rich fuel mixture. Rich means the engine will
receive too much fuel and not enough air.
Always put the air cutaways back towards the air cleaner.
Also make sure both slides are adjusted to lift
at exactly the same time. You can adjust that with
the cables.
You can feel the slides lifting inside the rear of the carbs
and see if they are working properly.
Wayne S.