Motorcycle Repair: gas tank, water in gas

we put some gas in my sons 4 wheeler that had some water in it. My husband drained the gas out but then he also put some alcohol in the tank. Will this hurt the 4 wheeler?

Hey Christy,The only true way to remove all water is to remove tank,drain it turn upside down and shake it to get all the drops you can then let sit in sun till completely dry.You will probably have water in bottom of carburator.Try to loosen drain screw at bottom of bowl,it will probably be very tight.If you cant loosen you will need to remove carb enough to get to the screws holding on the bowl and remove.The best way to get all water off carb parts is simply spraying it with a can of carb cleaner.I hope this helps,oh yea and by the way the alcohol wont hurt it.,David