Motorcycle Repair: 79 Sportster, primary or clutch issue, clutch lever, clutch cable

QUESTION: I had rough shifting into gear and it would make this 'grrrr' noise when i would pull in the clutch...then the clutch cable went out...and i would not get properly i took it to the person who built the bike.  He opened the primary and could not see anything at all going on.  I got it back and rode for a bit...all was great...stopped to tell him seemed all fine...then like 6 blocks from started this 'grrrr' noise when pulling in the clutch again...and then on pulling in clutch...i heard a weird 'CACACLICK' down int he primary as well.  Any ideas sir??

ANSWER: Did he pull the clutch plates and chaeck them? How much play is in the clutch lever? Did he check the clutch adjuster?

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QUESTION: He said he had it all out of there...??....the clutch lever we say is good.  there is not any excess play there....that would be too much anyway..the plates he said he cleaned them all up..?? and then he said when you pull in the lever, the thing inside the primary that engages or works when you pull in the lever...cant remember the name of it...but he said he could not get it to work, and he took it out and like cleaned it and greased it??? and then put it back in and worked fine.  I took it back and now we have decided to tear back into that and replace a bearing..a throw-out bearing, and a bearing in the transmission 'something' box....does that sound like maybe the right next thing to check?  we are both sort of puzzled...about it....

ANSWER: You have to have about 1/8 in play in the clutch lever so the clutch doesnt slip. There is no throw out bearing in the 79. There are just 3 ball bearing that ride you the clutch actuator. I am not sure about the bearing in the trans. You can check it and make sure its ok. If your bike is making a noise when you pull the clutch then it would be a clutch problem, not a trans problem
Good luck and happy riding

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QUESTION: Mike sorry to trouble you again with this situation, but after thinking about this last night, it is like the clutch when pulled does not disengage entirely from all that is continuing to spin or move as it does moving forward.  That really is what i seem to end up again, the clutch plates, play in lever, and clutch adjuster.....i will revamp with him all these things and make sure that indeed they have been covered.  Is there any possibility that just the clutch cable and the actuator if replaced could cause this simply???  I just wanted to run that by ya...thanks so very very much for all your help..i so appreciate it

Replacing the cable and the actuator will not do anything for you. You will still have the same problem. If the bike feels like its pulling when in gear and the clutch is pulled then the clutch is not adjusted correctly or the clutch plates are bad