Motorcycle Repair: 1994 heritage classic soft tail, ac volts, stator
Questioni need to know how to check if my stator or regulator is bad battery not holding charge lights sometimes get brighter while revving engine but not always
AnswerMake sure you have a good battery and you dont have a dry cell. Check the voltage at the battery, with the bike running at around 2000 RPM you should show about 13.5 volts. If it to low then do a OHMs test on the stator. One side to ground then the other. Startt he bike and with a AC volt meter check the voltage the stator puts out. Should be about 60 AC volts at 2000 RPM. If the stator fails the tests then its bad. If it passes then the regulator is bad. there is not test for the regulator.
Goiod luck and happy riding