QuestionQUESTION: Hi Mike it said too many followup questions so here is the continue, Yes even after the new coil and plugs and wires still fouling. Thats why I am leaning towards Ignition module or bad timing sensor.
ANSWER: You siad you rebuild the carb. Was it doing this before you rebuilt it?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes is was so that was the first thing I had done in trying to solve the problem. I have also taken off every electrical connector and wire brushed all connections thinking a voltage drop some where.I also emptied the tank cleaned the filter and replaced all fuel lines and vacume lines.
AnswerThere are only a couple of things that can cause your bike to run rich. First is to big of jets in the carb. But if you didnt change jets then that cant be it.
Second is bad coil or plug wires. but you changed them. the pickup, or what you call a timing senser, is nothing more than a on/off switch. It either works or it doesnt. the ignition modual only controls the ignition, it does not make the bike run rich or lean.
Start the bike and while its running look downt he throat of the carb. When you rev it up does the slide go up with the RPMs?