Motorcycle Repair: 1983 honda magna outpur gear case, pvc pipe fittings, magna v45
Questionthe seal on the output gear case is shot how can i change it without removing the motor its all tight im a first time rider and dont know much on mech but i want to learn and just want to ride thanks Richard
AnswerRichard... Magna V45 or V65? In most cases, you can replace the seal without a motor teardown, unless the seal was designed with a location lip on the outer edge or was installed from the inside of the case. Basically, you can remove the shaft and carefully catch the edge of the seal and pry it out, watching to not damage the seal shaft surface. The tricky part can be installing a large seal. There are seal driver tools out there for fork seals, etc. and/or you can fashion something up from PVC pipe fittings depending on the OD of the seal. Order the seal first. Look at the outer edge. If it is just a square-edged seal, then it should install just fine with the correct tools/technique.
The seal must be installed squarely into the case and not deformed or twisted or bent to insure a proper oil-tight connection.
Bill Silver