Motorcycle Repair: Clutch replacement, clutch replacement, clutch basket
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1990 Heritage that I put a belt drive primary on. I have replaced all seals in the tranny, and the seal on the crankshaft at the alternator. There is oil from the engine getting into the primary case. Could it be coming past the splines on the crankshaft? If so, can you suggest a fix?
ANSWER: It is coming from the seal on the motor sprocket. You might not have gotten it in square. The other thing it could be is the race that the seal rides on. If it is worn or chipped it will leak
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I also have a 1986 FX. The clutch basket is taper fit to trans output shaft. I would like to convert it to a spline clutch. How hard is it to convert the trans to spine output from taper fit?
AnswerIf you have never torn a trans apart I would suggest you get s service manual to follow. You would have to pull the trans and tear it down and replace the mainshaft as well as the clutch basket. Once you replace the shaft you have to check all the gear spacing to make sure they are spaced correctly or it wont shift.
Good luck and happy riding