Motorcycle Repair: cdi ingniter box, cdi system, generic answers

this is a nonhonda ? but thinks it general with most all bikes ok my ? is  if a igniter box goes bad will all four plugs not fire or can only one set go out to one coil. what im getting is fire on one coil no fire on other coil nothing on other coil and iv tried too dif coils any advice or help would be grateful

Andy... generic questions get generic answers..... You have to remember that a CDI system needs a pulse generator coil, charge coil, CDI module, secondary ignition coils to run a 4 cylinder bike.

Start with the simple and cheap stuff first.... go to the pulse generator to see if you are getting a signal to the CDI module. You can usually test them with a sensitive ohm meter. Usually they are around 50 ohms.

The charge coil must be working, otherwise you wouldn't have spark on half of the system, so either the pulse generator impulses for the "dead" side are missing or the CDI module may be half-way gone.

Bill Silver