Motorcycle Repair: 77 sportster ironhead keeps cutting out, sportster ironhead, striker plates
QuestionQUESTION: while riding it cuts out on me..electrics stay on..if it starts again it cuts out in about 30secs,then it is very hard to start if it does at all..changed plugs,wires,
ignition i redid the wires and cleaned the coil connections and got it started after not being able to start it for over a week and it sounded back to normal as it was idling,good throttle response,sounded great,then i turned it off jus to see if it would start again and it did with 1 kick..turned it off and went home,came back in an hour and a half and it started again so i took it out for a ride and it cut out on me and wouldnt start all within 1 block!! its 1000cc bored 30 over with alot of compression and the top end was rebuilt 2 yrs ago..any help would be greatly appreciated
ANSWER: Are you running points or electronic ignition if your running points it sounds like your condenser is bad and you should change out the points and condenser, if your running electronics it is bad and the module should be replaced and ensure your running the proper coil with the right type of system ie: points or electric.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: it has electronic and my question is where is the module located in the electronic ignition so i can replace it? once again,thankyou.
AnswerWell the answer to that depends on what ignition your running some have everything behind the cover in the center of the cam cover and others have the actual module remotely located with only a striker plate behind the cover in the cam cover.[also striker plates can go bad also]. The 1977 sportster cam with a points ignition so what ever you have is aftermarket.