Motorcycle Repair: 78 sportster starter problems, amp load, amp breaker
QuestionQUESTION: having problems with a 78 xlcr starter. when I press the starter button the starter will engage and turn the motor over for 2 to 3 seconds and then the 30 amp breaker will pop. why is the starter drawing excessive amp? checked starter (cleaned bruches, starter runs by it self) replaced selonoid, replaced starter relay. fully charged battery
ANSWER: Has this starter system worked correctly before. Are you sure all the wires are correctly hooked up?
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QUESTION: sportstertodd
Off course. I have had this bike for the last 30 years. granted it has sat for many years. It has shown problems with the starter button. I have by passed the starter button but it still will draw mor amps than the breaker will handle. I checked the wiring and cleaned the starter. I just keep drawing a blank on why it's doing this.
AnswerIf its been sitting for a while will the motor roll over easily with the kick starter or could you try it electrically with the spark plugs out so there's no compression against the starter motor. Doing this will ensure the engine is not the cause of the high amp load drawed by the starter motor. Let me know what you find?