QuestionQUESTION: g`day Mike, I have just replaced first gear in the trans , as recommended by harley mech that looked at trans out of casings, he beleives all else is ok there . I assembled as per genuine service manual , i started , ran / warmed engine prior to selecting first gear whith bike on rear axle stand , immediately as engaged the engine shuts down / stalls . with inspection plate off , the clutch looks to be actuating . with no primary chain on prior to full assembly , trans selected each gear, as well as neutral . any ideas ? can you help please , the weathers great & I got an itch only the sporty can scratch . cheers .
ANSWER: There are only two things that can be happening. Either the clutch is not releasing or the trans was not put together correctly. Couple of things to try. Start the bike and see what happens if you attempt to put it in second gear. Try stating it in first geat
Let me know what happens
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks Mike , being that I did hand rotate rear wheel ,whilst selecting each gear prior to fitting primary chain , I am happy with my assembly . also , the bike has stood still , for more than a year , since jamming in first . bike could not be started due to neutral lockout . so clutch not releasing seams most likely . Q if I over adjust so as to slip the clutch , would i be able to wheel it in gear / and would this loosen plates ,or help ? or if not , is there a way of opening clutch pack ,without special tool ? as this is not available to me . thanks again
AnswerUnless it is required in Australia you bike does not have a netural lockout. It should start in gear. I have seen bikes that will shift just fine wheile turning the rear wheel and not shift correctly while under a load.
You can over adjust the clutch and move the bike like that. You just dont want to try to ride it like that. You will burn the clutches. You need to special tool to open the clutch pack
Good luck and happy riding