Motorcycle Repair: restoring my baby, stock motor, cbx
QuestionOther than buying a new battery(process of doing that)What are the things i need to know about restoring an old 1979 cbx with a stock motor?It was my first new bike and has been sitting ilde for 16 yrs.I emptied the gas out a long time ago.Thanks Jan
AnswerHas the engine been turned over? If the bike has been stored without the engine being turned, then I'd take out the spark plugs and put 100ml of diesel fluid in the pots. Leave it sit for about a day. Don't put the plugs back in. Remove the right crankcase cap and try to wiggle the crank, turning it clockwise to see if it will turn through a full two revolutions. If you can do that, the rest simplifies significantly... I would then remove the sump cover, drain what's in the engine, and do a visual check on the internals from underneath and clean the oil screen on the oil pump pickup. Please do not hook up the battery yet, this is way premature at this stage. Let me know how you get on and we'll move to phase 2.