Motorcycle Repair: 1200 Custom not starting, ground cable, few more miles

I appreciate any help you can give me. I got 2 problems. I have a 2002 1200 custom motor/tranny in a stretched hardtail frame. When it was running, I would be going down the road and lose power-I would hit the throttle but nothing would happen. I pull off, turn the bike off, and start it up and not have a problem for a few more miles, but it would do it again. Almost like a stutter.

Second problem, old battery died and I put in a new battery and it will crank but not start. If I hit the starter for more than 8 seconds, smoke will come from the positive wire to the battery. Like I said, any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

If your positive wire is smoking then you need, first, replace it. Then check the ground cable at both ends. You probably dont have a good ground.
When you say you lose power, is it like you turn the ignition off or does it feel like you have no  fuel? When you are cranking it, are you getting spark?