Motorcycle Repair: 2005 honda trx 90, honda trx 90, ohm resistance
QuestionThis liyyle bike idles perfect after ypu let it warm up for about 30 minutes but wont idle at all until its good and warm any help would be appreciatedc
AnswerJames. I don't do much with ATV series bikes. The 90 engines have been built for years, however.
Always begin troubleshooting efforts by establishing a baseline tuneup.... adjust the valves first, check compression, check spark plug condition and spark plug cap for 5k ohm resistance.
Remove the idle jet and ensure that it is clear and clean, as the rest of the components in the carburetor float bowl. Make sure that the idle mixture screw is set for a maximum speed setting, then turn it in about 1/8 turn when engine is completely warm. If your bike has original carb settings, they may be slanted more towards EPA clean air specifications, which often leaves the idle circuits running lean, as delivered.
Bill Silver