Motorcycle Repair: 1983 Honda Nighthawk 650 What charges the Battery, honda nighthawk 650, 1983 honda nighthawk 650

What charges the battery? Maybe you could help me with this ordeal i seem to be having. My problem is that the lights dim when its idling. But when i give it gas it will brightens back up where it should be. I replaced the battery with a new one and still the same affect. What else could it be? What charges the battery?? And where can i buy one??

The thing that actually charges your battery is the alternator.  But the alternator needs input voltage to excite itself, so the battery needs to be working before it will charge.  A regulator decides how much current is put into the alternator to get the right output.  First cehck all your connections, and the battery itself.  Then start troubleshooting other components.
Good luck,  Jan