Motorcycle Repair: Hissing Harley Gas Tank, hex screws, harley fat boy
QuestionQUESTION: I've noticed a hissing sound in my gas tank when I turn on the ignition and then again when the fuel level gets low. The bike will also stall when coming to a stop if the tank is around or below 1/4 full with fuel. My local mechanic says that it could be a hole in the gas line inside the tank. My question is: Can I just take off the top plate of the tank and fix this issue? What is involved in this repair and can I do it myself without winding up in a big situation? And, what is the proper tool (and size) to unscrew the plate (the 12 or so hex screws)?
ANSWER: What year and model?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 2005 Harley Fat Boy
AnswerWithout looking, right now you dont know what is hissing. It might be as simple as a leaking line or could be the fuel pump is going out. You would have to look inside and see what is going on. The bolts you are talking about are torx screws.
Good luck and happy riding