Motorcycle Repair: 1996 Harley Softail, harley softail, plug wires
QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I am trying to help my husband out with his bike problem. The single fire coil keeps burning out. I am sure you need more info but any help on where to start looking for the problem would be appreciated. Thanks, Angela
ANSWER: is he making sure the power is off to the coil when the key is off?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for answering so quickly. Yes, he said the power is off and that the 3rd time it burned out it only lasted about 10 miles.
Answerthe only thing that burns out coils is voltage that is going to the coil and not being released. What happens is, voltage is going to the coil. The coil changes the voltage for 12 volts to around 30,000 volts. If this voltage is not released fromt he coil it starts getting hot. When it gets to hot it will burn up. Since he has riddent he bike then we know the ignition is working, but it might not be working correctly and sending all the voltage to the plugs or the plug wires are bad and have to much resistance.
Good luck and happy riding