QuestionQUESTION: bill-tengo una shadow vt750c 83 trabaje las tapas bloke limpie los carburadores cuando monte todo gue prendi la bmoto salio humo blanko de los mofle al ver bien los mofle ise prueva da comperecion 185psi en anbos cilyndros tambien le suenan las varvulas residuos en la punta de lo mofles com aceitoso claro mas gasolina gue aceite no ce? sara junta tapa bloke-0-lifter agradeceria su ayuda mucho y cosejo gracias por su atemcion y tiempo gama
ANSWER: Gamalier... Wow, this is the first Spanish question I have had and my Spanish isn't very good.
I used a translator program on-line and it came out like this:
"bill do - have a shadow vt750c 83 works the lids bloke clean the carburetors when I mounted every gue I lit the bmoto it went out smoke blanko of the mofle, on having seen well the mofle ise prueva, gives comperecion 185psi in anbos cilyndros also him the varvulas residues sound in the top of the mofles oily clear com more gasoline gue oil not ce? together sara covers bloke-0-lifter he would be grateful for his help very much and cosejo thanks for his atemcion and time scale"
Not much help, but it looks like you have white smoke coming from the exhaust when you started the motor after cleaning the carburetors. When the bike sits for a very long time, it is normal for the engines to put out smoke for about 15-20 minutes, while the old carbon, oil, gasoline vapors burn off inside the exhaust system and the pistons and valves.
You have good compression, so it doesn't look like a bad head gasket, however if there is a leak in the head gasket where coolant is being drawn into the cylinders, you will also get white smoke, but it will never go away and the engine will begin to overheat within 10 minutes or less.
If you had old fuel in the fuel tank, the poor burning will cause some problems until fresh fuel has started running through the fuel system.
So, if the bike is ready to ride now... good tires, brakes, fuel and cooling system okay, chain adjusted and all safety items checked over, take some short rides to see if the smoke goes away or gets worse. If it goes away.. no worries. If it gets worse and the engine starts to overheat, then there is a problem with the head gasket. Look for signs of coolant in the oil and oil in the coolant, in addition to the white smoke from burning anti-freeze.
Buenas suerte,
Bill Silver
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: bill -shadow vt750c 1983-corri la moto y el humo ciguio en el cylidro de atras hice prueva de comprecio igual 185psi deje enfrial el motor lo prendi y al principio no humo luego de 5 minutos enpeso a humial demaciado en punta de el escape brillosa y humeda como haceitosa el bajante de la tapa al silenciador humea vapor como vapor de agua agradeseria gue me ayudaras con tu consejo-gacias por tu atencion y tiempo gama
AnswerThis isn't getting any easier...
bill - shadow vt750c 1983-corri the motorcycle and the smoke ciguio in cylidro of back I tested equal of comprecio 185psi leaves to enfrial the motor prendi and at the outset smoke after 5 minutes enpeso to humial demaciado in end of haceitosa the brillosa and humid escape as bajante of the cover to the silencer does not smoke steam as aqueous vapour agradeseria gue you would help with your advice-gacias by your attention and time me range.
This didn't give me too many hints... However, smoke from the exhaust pipe, Blue Smoke, is burning oil. Oil smoke is due to either worn piston rings, oil vapors being sucked into the air box from the breather system or often the valve stem seals are hardened and not keeping oil from running down the valve stem seals.
Valve stem oil smoke shows up when the engine is idling for a long time, when coasting down a hill in gear, then clears up when you are under power.
Worn ring smoke will be present all the time, especially under acceleration and cruising speeds.
The air filter system has a breather that pulls crankcase fumes back into the air box for reburning. If too much oil is in the crankcase or the rings are worn, a lot of breather fumes will be pumped into the air fiter box and then the carburetors will suck them back into the engine for burning again.
White smoke is going to be condensation when engine is cold or burning coolant from a bad head gasket when it smokes continuously and gets worse as the engine warms up.
Black smoke comes from poor carburetion, high float levels, worn jets, loose jets or blocked air passages/plugged emulsion tubes inside the carburetors.
I hope this helps you....
Bill Silver