Motorcycle Repair: throttle sticking, harley davidson, low rider
QuestionQUESTION: Today I was on my way home from work and the bike started to bog down when pulling the throttle back. it was back firing really bad and not acting right at all. i checked the points and i still have spark but not getting any to the spark plugs. trying to see how i can figure out if it is the condenser or the coil on a 1977 harley davidson low rider with 84ci 1380cc shovelhead
ANSWER: Generally a coil goes bad over time, not just all of a sudden. I would start by replacing the points and condenser and see if that doesnt solve the problem
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i got the points set and now i am riding again but today getting on the highway the throttle stuck on me wide open and it did not want to come back down. when i got home i lubed it and adjusted the cable but now when i give it gas in neutral it is takes a little longer to get to idle like the carb is sticking. is there something else i can do without having to take it to the shop. the bike has been setting it was completely restored in 2002 it only has 2500 miles on it when i got it.
AnswerYou are going to have to remove the carb from the bike. I am going to assumn you have a stock carb. remove the cable from the carb and turning it by hand see where it is sticking. Its either going to be the shaft that goes through the carb or the butterfly is sticking.
Good luck and happy riding