Motorcycle Repair: 78 Honda CM-185T leaking gas, cm 185t, point gap

I just recently bought this bike and after replacing the battery and spraying out the intake of the carb it started up but was very choppy.  After a few starts I noticed the left exhaust pipe was hot while the right side exhaust pipe was still cool. Now it won't start and the carb drains gas out of the overflow tube.  I removed the carb and discovered the jet needle had slipped above the needle cap plate. Fixed that but the gas still leaks through the carb out the tube. The idle adjust screw has also been adjusted drastically. Won't crank over now at all.  What do I start with?

Tommy.... Pretend it is in for a major service.....

Adjust the valves ... .002" cold in/ex  check compression... should be above 150psi on both sides.
Replace the spark plugs
Check spark plug caps for excessive resistance.. more than 5k ohms
Clean the entire fuel system from gas cap to float bowl. The carb is overflowing due to a sticking float valve that is probably loaded up with old varnish and debris from sitting for years and/or contamination from a dirty fuel tank. Drain the tank, remove the petcock and screen, clean or replace the fuel line. Disassemble the carburetor and clean all the passages and jets. Replace gaskets and o-rings as necessary.

Remove the points plate, check spark advancer for advance/retard function, clean and lubricate advancer and point cam, reinstall point plate, clean point contact faces, set point gap to maximum .016" then move point plate until the points just OPEN at the F mark alignment.

Recharge the battery. Reset carb idle mixture screw/idle speed....

Then you have to deal with the rest of it.... old tires, chain, fork seals, sticky cables, rusted brake drums, loose spokes, etc.....

Bill Silver