Motorcycle Repair: Water leakage, crf 450 2005, honda crf 450
Questionwhen i start the bike for the first couple of minutes, there is water coming out of a small hole in the engine (hole is supposed to be there), I was told that if this happens that it is probably a problem with the a water pump gasket. Can you tell me if this is correct or if you think it maybe because of another problem. Also can you tell me how to fix it if possible. The make and model of the bike is not what you would usually work with as it is a Honda CRF 450 2005 model but any advice would be extremely welcomed . Thank you for your time, and I look forward to reading your response if you can by any chance help me, if you cant, could you suggest an expert or a website that i may go to to get my answer, again, thanks. Ian
AnswerI have a CRF450X myself, and if water comes out of the case, then one of the seals is leaking. The case will need to come off, and check the seals and the integrity of the case itself. I'll have to take a look at my case now you have me thinking about it. The CR500 used to have corrosion issues with the cooling water and water pumps too. Good luck, Jan