The cl72 I purchased seems to be in great shape. Where can I purchase the cross over fuel hose that goes from underneath
the left side to petcock and the little wire squeeze clamps. Is this hose 5.5 mm inside or what size hose is it? Also I read in
manual that positioning switch on headlamp in position 1 that I should have taillight and speedo light and I have headlight
and no tailight! On position 11 I'm supposed to have headlamp,speedo light,and tail light and I have nothing. The only time
I have a tail light is when the headlight switch is off and the combination switch on right hand side is in position 11 for roadside
emergencies. Could this be simply something like wires crossed behind headlamp?
The only other thing that bothers me is the kickstart pedal rides against the right case and there looks as though there might
have been some type of stop there that has worn off. What might be the remedy or part that can be purchased for this and
where might it be found? Also do you recommend the electronic ignition or are my points sufficient for my cl's performance.
One other question,if you were to gear the bike up for less rpm's at 60mph would you change front drive sprocket to say 16
or 18 tooth or final drive to say 30-34 tooth? In reference to the lights, I have no speedo light in any switch position . You were
so helpful in answering my question about transmission gearing between cb72 and cl72 that I thought about asking you these.
I'm sure I'll have more even though I grew up in the era with these bikes
AnswerTerry, Will try to answer your questions in order here:
There are Ebay sellers who supply the correct 5.5 metric, which can be purchased from Honda, but only in 25 ft lengths for about $50. P/N for clips is 9500-250-000.
There are 2 position and 3 position headlight switches on the headlight shell. The 2 position switch is just and On-Off switch. 3 position switches are for domestic/Euro types that had a little parking light in the headlight shell, not used on the US-bound sealed beam units. Pull the headlight bulb/rim assembly and start looking at the wiring connectors inside, related to both the dimmer switch and the headlight switch.
Wiring diagrams at:
Be sure that all the bulbs are still functioning by testing them with a 12v source. Tail lights often suffer from vibration fractures of the ground wire that grounds the bulb base to the light mount. If the bike was run with a dead battery, the charging system often goes to full output and blows up all the light bulbs that happen to be illuminated at the moment. The speedo light bulb needs to be checked for a good filament. Make sure that the speedometer ground wires are connected, as they ground the light bulbs through the case. The vibration generated in these bikes really buzzes many components, including light bulb internals and socket connections.
If the kickstarter arm isn't near 12 o'clock position, then the kickstarter cover must be removed and the kickstarter arm repositioned on the kickstart shaft splines.
IF you are going to ride the bike a lot, then the E-ignition really helps the bike to start easily, idle better and perform well at all rpms, however it is about a $300 investment. I can take orders for the ignition and for my Restoration guide CDs, directly through my website, if interested.
There is barely enough room in the side of the motor for a 16t sprocket. I think your bike should have 530 pitch chain, so get a matching sprocket. If your current sprocket is flat on both sides, then you will need to use that type. CB sprockets have an offset, so don't interchange them. Early CL72s had 520 pitch drive chains.
Hope that covers your current question list satisfactorily.
Bill Silver