Motorcycle Repair: 1972 Harley Sportster XLH 1000 CC IronHd, air fuel mixture, harley sportster
1972 Harley Sportster
QUESTION: I put a new battery on my bike but it will not charge while the bike is running. I read in here earlier about polarizing it with a jumper wire. How is this done? Is this done while the bike is running? Is this from the negative terminal on the battery to the negative terminal on the stator? In addition the idle is way too high. It is idling at 15,000 RPM. I turn the idle screw down but the bike tends to die, the fuel mixture is also off. What is the proper way to adjust the idle and fuel mixture? I am not sure of the carburetor type. It has an SS designation stamped on it? Any information would be appreciated.
ANSWER: On a 1972 you shouldnt have a stator, you shold have a generator. take a jumper wire and on the regulator, momentarley touch from the battery or B post to the generator or G post. Once it sparks its polaized.
On the carb. Do you mean that is idling at 1500 not 15000? Pull the plugs and let me know what color they are. Did the bike run ok before and this is somthing new?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Plug from 72 Harley Ir
QUESTION: Here is a picture of the plug. I had some success with it today and got to ride a little. The battery is still not charging. I replaced the positive and negative battery terminals as they were is bad shape. This helped the bikes performance a lot. Please advise of the proper way to adjust the idle and fuel mixture. Thanks for your help.
AnswerYou need to get the charging problem fixed first, before you mess with the carb. To set it, start the bike and let it warm up. ASlowly turn the air/fuel mixture screw inwward just until the bike starts to stumble and they outward about 1/4 of a turn and its set
Good luck and happy riding