Motorcycle Repair: Extended crank, fuel valve, diaphragm
QuestionAfter sitting for about a week, I must crank my 1997 Lowrider numerous times before the engine starts. With the enrichener on and hitting the throttle several times, it still takes a long time to get it running. I recently replaced intake gaskets and flushed out the tank. In cleaning the tank, I took the fuel valve apart and cleaned it. Is it possible there's a problem with the fuel valve diaphragm? Once it finally starts, it runs great and will start every time after it's warmed up or even after sitting overnight. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
AnswerLooking down the throat of the carb twist the throttle. Are you getting a shot of gas everytime? If you are then open teh enrichner and try to start it and let me know what happens. If it doesnt start right up, then put your hand over the carb and turn it over for a second. Do you get gas on your hand and does it start right away?