1984 xlx
QUESTION: i installed new plugs and coil,i am getting fueland good spark but not all the time and my bike starts once in awhile but then dies. is my electronic ignition sensor going bad ?and how can i test this ignition?cur
ANSWER: Couple of questions. Is this a new problem? The bike ran good before this started? How do you know you are getting fuel and a spark not allt he time?
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QUESTION: hello there mike and thank you for your help..the bike has been sitting for a couple of years..gas tank flushed/clean oil plugs/coil,the person i got the bike from recently said it ran just fine a few years ago when he parked it.i checked the fuel flow lines as well as opened the throttle all the way to see if its getting gas with the air cleaner off.that seems fine.when i try to start the bike nothing happens.i put a spark plug tester on the plugs getting spark but not consistanty.i think my ignition sensor needs there any wayto test the ignition module? thank you curt....hope this helps some
ANSWER: Generally, ignitions either work or they dont. I think your problem is fuel. The gas you see going in is from the pumper. A bike sitting that long is probably gummed up int he carb
I would remove it and pull the bowl. the jets are probably plugged up.
Good luck and happy riding
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QUESTION: mike i pulled the bowl cleaned with carb cleaner still no luck.last week the bike started idled then i would take off get 100 feet then the bike would shut down,generally i would push it home then a little later the bike would start and again i would take off get to second gear then the bike would shut down.i pulled the point cover where the electronic senser is at and looks like somebody had put after market hot glue on the really thinking the senser is bad.any suggestions.curt
AnswerIt doesnt sound like you removed the jets to clean them. The intemediate jet is located under a rubber plug and spraying carb cleaner in the bowl will not clean it.
The pickup has a glob of glue on it. It is just a on/off switch for the ignition modual. It either works or it doesnt.
I still think you have a carb problem. Sitting that long will really plug up a carb. It should be taken completly apart and soked over night in carb claner. Make sure you look through the jets and check to see that they are not clogged
Good luck and happy riding