QuestionQUESTION: Help Mke! 1993 FLHT
Leaving work tonight I start up the hill to a stop sign. I stop, look both ways, then proceed. I get about 3 feet and "CLANK"! Sounded like going around a corner and hitting the kickstand on the road (obvious metal sound). Right away the tranny disengages and a horrid grinding sound ensues...I shut her off and wheel her back to my parking space. Though I had the clutch pulled in (still in gear, but couldn't find neutral) it was hard to push and made a "clicking" sound being pushed forwards and backwards. I parked her and found neutral, fired her up, squeezed in the clutch and put her in gear, and horrid grinding again...and upon letting out the movement...just grinding. I didn't have time to pull the primary cover off to take a look tonight...what do you think I could expect to find in the morning?
Thanks Mike!
ANSWER: Right now it could be about anything from a clutch problem to a trans problem. I would start by removing the primary cover and checking the clutch basket. If the clutch looks ok, then you are going to have to pull the trans
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Pulled primary cover and all is fine. I believe that I have eithe a stripped front drive pulley or I stripped the splines on the main shaft.
Question 1: If it's the pulley, do I need to pull the cluutch assembly?
Question 2: Do I need to pull off the whole primary (inner primamry)?
Question 3: Do I need to pull the transmission?
I suppose if it turns out that i've actually stripped the main tranny shaft I would have had to do these things anyhow?
Thanks for the help!
Answerthe mainshaft of the trans is pretty hard and is usually not damaged. But it can happen. In order to get to the pully you have to remove the inner primary and to remove it you have to remove the clutch assembly and motor sprocket and chain. You do not have to pull the trans if its the pulley
Good luck and happy riding