Motorcycle Repair: choke cable replacement, elestra, plastic nut
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2002 elestra glide classic,usually have to ride with the choke pulled for thirty minutes to keep it from stalling.I suspect the choke cable has failed cause last time i started it it ran for 45 seconds and died. Cant get it to start,and the choke cable doesnt feel right.How do I replace the cable?
Thanks in advance!
ANSWER: In all my years I have never seen a choke cable break. When you say it doesnt feel right, what do you mean, like nothing is moving?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Exactly! It doesn't feel like it is moving! It would never ever start without pulling the choke out, now it won't start at all. It is turning over fine,the only other thing is probably 50 miles ago I put in new plugs. Don't know if that would matter...
AnswerIn order to remove the choke cable you first need to remove the air cleaner to get to the carb. Go to the choke side and loosen the nut behind the choke bracket that holds the choke in. Once you hve the cable loose from the bracket pull the carb off. It is just pushed onto a rubber seal. Remove the vaccumn lines from the carb, loosen the throttle cable at the adjuster so you can get the cable out and remove the carb. Looking at the choke cable where it goes into the carb there is a plastic nut. Remove it and the choke assembly will come out and you can see if its broken
Good luck and happy riding