Motorcycle Repair: S&S Super E Enrichener, mixture control, gauge

Could I use the enrichener as an mixture control device.  I have EGT gauge and adjustable main jet.  If I adjust the main jet with the Enrichener ON, then if I slowly move the enrichener down, the mixture should become more lean and the EGT go up.  Then I could cruise at a more optimum EGT setting without readjusting the adustable main jet. Has any one done this. I can build a better control device on the enrichener to hold any position while cruising.  Thanks

I have never haeard of anybody doing this. It would probably work, but sounds like it would be alot of trouble making hte adjustments while riding down the road. If you have yoru main jet set where is should be you shouldnt have to make any adjustments.
Good luck and happy riding