Motorcycle Repair: 2004 Harley sportster front brake issues, 2004 harley sportster, sportster 1200
QuestionI installed a chrome front master cylinder on my 2004 Sportster 1200 and I am unable to get it to bleed. I have bled the system previously with no issues when I installed my braided cables, but this is the first time I have replaced the MC with a new chrome one. It is a brand new MC , I installed it and gravity bled the air out. Air bubbled out,but when I attempted to bleed it I have no luck and I am getting no lever pressure at all. No matter how much I bleed it I get nothing. I have been pumping it 3 times and then holding it down while opening the bleeder valve, fluid comes out, but I get no lever. Do I conclude at this time that it is a defective master or can they sometimes trap air in an impossible spot and if that is the case how do you recommend me getting this system to purge? I have been trying to leave the lever wired in the squeezed position for the last 6 hours and then when I went out to the garage I was still no better off. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I always do my own mechanic work and I am very adept at it, but this problem has me stumped. Thanks for the help, Rob
AnswerSometime a dry master cylinder is a bear to bleed. Fill it with fluid and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then pump it alot. It takes alot of pumping to fill the cylinder. If it still wont pump up, I would look at sending it back for a new one
Good luck and happy riding