Motorcycle Repair: FLSTS-C Replacing neck berrings, harley service, step by step directions

QUESTION: Hello Mike Wells,   My 2001 Softail Springer has 51000 miles and I want to replace the neck berrings and races they were replaced at 9000 miles when 1st owner went down and bent the forks and his insurance replaced the Springer front end and berrings.I bought the bike from Crystal River H-D Florida after that work was done. Now I want to replace neck berrings and races my self. I do most of the routine matinance my self and have worked on my own bikes thru the years,but have never replaced neck berrings.What should I watch out for and are there any tricks of the trade?There is no play in the neck but I know its way over do.   Thank you Mike, Mr. Richard Gagliardi

ANSWER: As long as you keep them lubed through the grease fitting you should need not to replace them until you start either getting play in them or they get really stiff.
If you still want to replac them let me know and I will help you
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Mike, There is no play but the steering is a little stiff and notchy at slow speed I grease the fitting and lube cables every oil change 3000 mi. But at slow speed I can feel the tracking is off doesn't want to go straight bike wants to go left,right,left,right.I still want to change the beerings and races for peace of mind.Is there a step by step directions and a what to watch for when I take on this task?   Mike thanks again Richard

You need to remove the front fender, caliber, wheel and forks. You will have to remove the handlebars so you can remove the top of the triple tree. Once you have that off you can ge to the bearings. If you need more detail you can get a harley service manual and it will help you. If you are planning on doing alot of work on your bike it will really help you
Good luck and happy riding