Motorcycle Repair: Sorry Bill! Honda elite 80 scooter Q?, honda elite 80, honda motorcycle
QuestionHi Bill,Sorry I know Honda elite 80 scooter are not your thing. But i have know where else to go. Thanks in advance. So the Elite's exhaust has been cracked (broken) right where it meets the head. So I was riding it home at night and it just starts to bog down. I kept it running for about 4 more min. but than it stopped, no starting up again. So I checked for spark, it has spark. I took off the carb and cleaned it and all the jets and floats,put it back on and still no start. The scooter has good compression to. My neighbor seems to believe that something could be wrong with the valves being stuck or something. Please help with any info or ideas. Thank you very much Bill, Aaron
AnswerAaron, Check valve adjustment to be sure that you aren't causing burned valves due to the exhaust leak. When the engine cools down it can draw cold outside air into the exhaust system and in rare cases cause the valve head to warp slightly. Clearances should be .002" cold on intake and exhaust. If compression is good and you have spark, then all that is left is fuel delivery. The petcock for the fuel tank is vacuum operated. If the vacuum line comes loose or the diaphragm fails internally, the fuel supply shuts down. FUEL TANK.
Bill Silver