Motorcycle Repair: Steering Head Adjustment, heritage softail, cam chain
QuestionQuestion #1: 2003 Heritage Softail Classic 30,000 miles. Noticed a slight rattle or jarring in the front end when hitting harsh bumps. Suspected a loose sterring head bearing. I unscrewed the chrome top and found a large bolt. Tightened it about 1/4 turn. Seemed to help on the next ride. Is this the proper way to tighten the steering head?
Question #2: The HD dealer suggested I have them inspect the cam chain tensioner for wear on the nylon guide. Said they wear out at about 30,000 miles and should be inspected. Cost about $300 for the inspection and $200 more for the replacement. Could cause serious engine damage if neglected any longer. What is you experience and opinion regarding this? Thanks.
AnswerYes as long as you dont tighten it to much.
As to question 2. they need to be inspected since you have that many miles. If they wear through you can break a chain, which I have seen, and then damage a cam. I have had to replace them at 20,000 miles
Good luck and happy riding