Motorcycle Repair: 1991 honda vfr 750, honda vfr750f, honda vfr 750

starter makes grinding noise when trying to start.  Now it won't even start
Honda shop quotes me $900.00 for repair.
Can you advise what could be wrong and how to best proceed with repairs
Have small engine and motorcycle experience but none on multi  cylinder sports bikes.

Mike, here are the parts involved:

Real one for sale here:

I believe you can access it behind the clutch assembly after you remove the clutch cover. There is a one-way clutch roller that must be bad, unless you have damaged teeth on the intermediate gears.

Your quote seems pretty high to me and if you have experience and tools, you should be able to do this yourself.  Get a shop manual to help guide you through the process. I found a VF800 shop manual online.. HUGE file, but not too bad on high-speed connections. 100+MB

Bill Silver