Motorcycle Repair: brake pads, screw drive, custom harley
QuestionI never replaced brake pads before on my 2004 custom harley sportster. I need to change my fromt and rear brake pads. The manual confuses me. Is it possible to change rear brake pad without removeing rear tire. or removeing the caliper its self. I know i can open mc cover remove brake fluid and pull pistons in. I dont understand about the brake pad pins of the spring how it stay in thank you. Airborne
AnswerFirst, you need to take a screw drive and open the pads so the new ones will fit. Just pry against the piston so you have space in there. Next, pull the pins that hold the calibers is and they will drop out and slide the new ones on. the spring will stay in place. Slide the new pads in and put the pins in. You will hae to push up on the pads against the spring. Once you have the above done your set
Good luck and happy riding