Motorcycle Repair: what jets to use, honda shadow spirit, honda shadow spirit 750

I have a 2002 honda shadow spirit 750. I'm doing some mods to it and i'm straight piping the exahst. I currently have the stock jets in the carb. and i need to know what size i should of jet to replace them with, cause the parts guys really have no idea what their talking about. can you help me

Hi Garrick,

Are you changing the air filter or modding the air box too?
Either way I recommend getting a dynojet kit. These things make jetting easier.
You can find one for your bike here:

However, that being said, you can still change the main jet by itself.
If you are only modding the pipes and leaving the airbox, I would try the bike with the stock jetting. If it runs lean (on top) then try a DJ100 main jet.
If you are also adding a K&N drop in filter try the DJ100 and if that is too lean, try the DJ102.

BTW, you can order the main jets direct from Dynojet at $2 a piece and they ship them really fast.
Again, you want the 'DJ' style main jet.

Hope this helps?
