QuestionQUESTION: Hi,I have a 1991 FXRS and noticed a leak which should only be coming from the tappet block (rear cylinder)Changed the gasket to a cometic although that shouldnt be a problem,still didnt managed to seal the block,tried again,failed again.
ANSWER: If you are sure that its the tappet block, then change the gasket, but put some gasket sealer on it.
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Tried sealer & gasket together Mike,would I be right to think thats a small oilway next to the rear right bolthole(cylinder side) that feeds the tappet block,there is plenty of oil in the tappet block,so its not blocked,which could account for oil not going where it should if there was enough pressure,if so the problem could be trying to get a good seal round that but I dont see where else the leak could come from I've not long changed both cylinder base gaskets theyre still under correct torque and there is no visible sign of the base gasket leaking from that area.Thanks very much
AnswerThe only other thing it can be, if that is where the leak is, is a problem with the case where the tappet block goes not being flat.
Here is somthing else you can try. use the sealer and put the gasket on and then sealer and then another gasket and then sealer. That might compress it enough to keep it from leaking. Two gaskets wont hurt anything. Use the type of sealer that dries and let the bike sit overnight.
Good luck and happy riding