Questionhow do i replace the clutch starter i remove the starter and part of the alternator but i cant remove the spindle to see if it is there where it is its it there or im doing it wrong please contact me with the rigth answer thanks
AnswerHi Edgar,
To gain access to the starter clutch, you have to take the engine out and split the case.
However, I have to your starter spinning and not engaging?
If so, it might not be the starter clutch.
A common problem with the Nighthawk S is the Alternator Chain snapping. This happened to one of my Nighthawk S's. The symptom will be the same...starter spins, but doesn't engage.
Here's how to tell if its the starter clutch or the alternator chain:
Take the alternator cover off and press the start button. Does the alternator spin?
If yes, then you your alternator chain is broken. If no, then it very well could be your starter clutch.
The alternator chain runs from the alternator shaft to the crank, so its very important. The chain doesn't actually brake from wear and tear. It brakes because the chain tensioner release rod for it fails and snaps off. This usually happens when the bike is running and the tensioner release rod jams into the chain and brakes it.
Unfortunately, to change the chain you need to split the case too. Also the chain is discontinued from Honda.
You can probably get aftermarket chains made up, or try and get a used one off a parts bike/engine (this is what I did).
If it is the chain...don't push start the bike! as the chain is laying in the bottom of your crank case and could damage more parts!