Motorcycle Repair: rear brake master cylinder 1995 Fatboy, brake master cylinder, rear brakes

My rear brakes went out. I tried fluid and bleeding, all I get is sputters and nothing coming out the bleed valve. I removed the guts of the cylinder and the o-rings I can see look fine. Oh yeah, when I started out, the fluid was pretty dirty with black stuff in it. I can't seem to get the spring and , I assume, inside piston to come apart to check for o-rings or wear or whatever. I can't seem to find a rebuild kit for my bike with pics to see the inner parts. It is a 95 Fatboy. Help.    Thanks.

Your parts inside the master cylinder are being held in by dirt probably. You can use air pressuse to blow it out and then clean it out. Also, remov ethe bleeder valve and check it to make sure the hole in it is not plugged.
On the pic, you would have to get a service manual to have pics
Good luck and happy riding