Motorcycle Repair: Engine Bogging, honda hawk, small screws

I know you are not familiar with Honda's and I'm sorry to bother you with this question rather than one of the other tech's but all of them are either maxed out or on vaca.
Anyway. My question pertains to a 1980 Honda Hawk Cb400t. I just took it out of the shed and took apart the carbs and cleaned them real good, so I think. I cleaned out the gas tank and made sure all the lines were clear. My problem is that the engine idles a little rough and when I try to open up the throttle it starts to bog down. Then if I try to let down the throttle it will stall if I do not do it slowly. Any ideas of what I can do or where I can start? Any info would help. I not really familiar with motorcycles but I am a quick learner. Thanks for all your time.


It sounds to me like the idle/low speed circuits are plugged on your carbs.  Or possibly you have an intake leak or a little of both....TAke your carbs back off and take them all apart, removing the jets and then using good carb cleaner and compressed air , clean all of the passages .

If I remember correctly, your carbs have small covers on the side held on by two small screws....if this is true of your bike, remove the covers and look at the diaphragms inside and make sure they are not pinholed.

If your bike runs better with the choke partially on, then you will know that you either have carb "pluggage" or intake leakage...
