Motorcycle Repair: 85 honda magna, honda magna, cap works

QUESTION: hey i work in a shop and i am certified by harley davidson and i have a old honda magna on my lift it seems to stall every time you accelerat than slow donw then it stalls i worked on the carbs bike was not running when i got it i have 3 ideas the carbs need 2 be synced ,the fuel tank was completely rusted inside and i cleaned as well as icould i used A rust removing agent and i got it out but it seems 2 be starving for fuel i cant get it to ride as smoothe as it should also i did not replace the spark plugs i cleaned them very thoroly and checked itf the coil sparked and they do but i want to know what u thing if u want 2 answer me through email or you could call me at 9788706007 plz point me in the right direction thank you jan

It sounds to me that you are still having fuel supply issues, take the fuel line off the carbs and open the valve; make sure plenty of fuel comes out and stays flowing.  Check that the vent in the gas cap works.  Plugs are cheap; change them anyway.  The carbs may have to be cleaned, the idle circuit is a pain in these carbs.  Good luck,  Jan

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i cleaned carbs i have read about sea foam and i also cleaned/ old fuel lines but it wont really idle with out choke and i cleaned these carbs very thoro i think a mess but this bike needs 2 get done. i noticed on a few forums the mentioned sea foam working really well andy mor tips i also dont have a carb syncing device. could old oil ing the engine affect it

Sea foam is good but I don't think it will fix your problem.  Did you check the compression on the engine?  All cylinders should be within 10% of each other.  Synching the carbs is important too, but if you didn't adjust the butterflies then the carb synchronization should be OK.  Good luck,  Jan