Motorcycle Repair: opening a cbx1000 starter motor, patience is a virtue, david silvers
Questionhello again jan,, can you explain to me how i open the casing of the starter motor for my cbx z model to make sure brushes are ok and give it a good clean,,hopefully it may start then if not a gallon of petrol and a big hammer will striking it on top of the block as im pig sick off this bike now,,thanks craig
AnswerHi Craig,
Patience is a virtue. If the connections are all good and shorting the solenoid does not give the starter motor performance you are expecting, then you have to take the starter ofrf and undo the two large screws that run along the side. But be aware this is a pain in the neck job, the springs will jump out and the brushes will extend out once the end cap goes off the split ring commutator. It may be easier to just get another known good starter through ebay or a CBX parts supplier like CMSNL or David Silvers.
Good luck, Jan