Motorcycle Repair: honda CB650, poor engine performance, bill silver
QuestionHi jan, i know the 650cb isn't your specialty but bill silver is maxed out and your the only other honda expert.
my honda cb650 sat in a shed for 12 yrs before i got it. i thoroughly went through and cleaned the carbeurator, lines, and tank and it seems to get gas fine now, but when i get up to about 45 mph it starts to break up and gets gutless, in turn it then fouls the plugs. when the plugs are clean it idles and gets low end power fine. it also has trouble charging the battery which i think is connected with the reason......also i checked the points and they're clean. any ideas? a friend said CDI box, but i wanted to make sure
AnswerThe CDI spark units can be troublesome, but it sounds like you may still have carburation issues. Is the poor engine performance associated with revs or speed? when you rev it in first gear does it run clean through the revs, or does it start to miss? You may have an issue with the ignition advancer too. Check that the mechanical advancer is free. Good luck, Jan