Motorcycle Repair: dead battery, ac volts, meter check

I have a 1998 Fat Boy and I have put 2 batteries on it this summer and I only get to ride it about 50 miles or so and the battery dies.How can I check the charging system without spending a lot of money?I have worked on automobiles all of my life,but never a motorcycle and I don't want to mess anything up.

First, charge the battery and start the bike. With a volt meter check at the battery. You should be showing around 13.5 volts. If not, then you need to test the stator. Unplug the voltage regulator and at the wires coming from the stator do a OHMs test from one wire to ground and then the other. If you have OHMs then the stator is bad. If it passes, then do a AC voltage test on the stator. Start the bike and at the wires from the stator you should show around 60 AC volts at around 2000 RPM. If not then the stator is bad. If it passes the above tests then the regulator is bad
Good luck and happy riding