Motorcycle Repair: transmission fluid leak/ 2002 nighttrain, shaft seal, oil seals

QUESTION: I purchased a 2002 nighttrain a couple months ago and noticed it started leaking transmission fluid about a month ago. it wasnt much at first but would leak more the longer I went on rides for. The leak when i first noticed was dripping off the left side shock under the frame. Right side was dry as a bone. I did a little research and came up with the conclusion that it was coming from behind the primary case housing. After tearing into the bike I ended up replacing the mainshaft quad and oil seals. Everything went back together fine, no problems. I then took the bike on a weekend trip, in between stops I would check it and noticed that the main drive belt cover started getting wet. Finally got home and parked it, after a couple hours sitting there, there it was leaking again. just as bad as it was prior to replacing those seals. the leak on the floor is about the size of your hand if you were extending it to shake a hand. So my question is "can the shifter shaft oil seal be the problem? Would it actually leak that much? Thats the only thing that i didnt mess with when replacing mainshaft seals. Keep in mind its only coming from left side and appears to be from behind primary chain case housing. Any incite would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: When you replaced the seals, did you replace the seal inside 5th gear, between 5th gear and the main shaft?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No I did not replace seal between 5th gear and main shaft. I wasn't aware there was a seal there. Would that seal still cause it to leak even though the main seal was in place and intact? It does seem to be a little wetter around the shifter shaft.  Is it more likely for the 5th gear seal to leak than the shifter shaft seal?

Either one can leak over time. What you need to do is really claen the area as wella s you can, then go for a short ride. When you take it apart, you will see the wetness where its leaking. SInce youa re going ot have to tear it down, I would replace both so you dont have to do it again if you get the wrong one
Good luck and happy riding