Motorcycle Repair: Harley Ignition switch removal, needle nose pliers, harley davidson flt
QuestionHow do you replace an ignition switch on 1980 Harley Davidson flt with no key.The key was lost when the ignition was unlocked, so i can still go to the access position.
Cheers Tommy
AnswerOne thing you might try is going to a dealer and with the vin number they might still be able to make a key If they cant then here is how to replace it.
You need to remove the instrumant panel and slide it out of the way after removing the speedo cable. Remove the locknuts on the handlebar assembly and move it out of the way. Remove the ignition switch tamper shield. Remove the ignition switch knob by using needle nose pliers and pulling on the ignition switch pin underneith the lip of the instrumant support housing. Pull ont he knob and it will come out. You should be able to see the housing body and see how it comes out.
Good luck and happy riding