Motorcycle Repair: 2000 Harley Davidson Wide Glide, battery engine, sensers

QUESTION: Engine light comes on, odometer flashes on and off 30 seconds after bike starts, put new battery in, bike ran fine for two or three weeks engine light did not come on. three weeks after putting in the new battery engine light came on and odometer flashing, sounds like it could possibly be missing. Could you help me with this problem?

Thank you, Curt

ANSWER: At the battery, what voltage are you showing at around 2000 RPM?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey mike i checked the volts at the battery at about 2000 rpm i dont have a tech but at an idle it reads about 12.40 and at about 2000 rpm it reads about 1800 from 2000 rpm on up thanks curt

You are charging fine. Since your check engine light is coming on what you will need to do is hae a dianostic run on the bike to see what the problem is. One of the sensers might be going bad, but without the dianostic you will not know
Good luck and happy riding