QuestionQUESTION: I have taken clutch cover ,foot peg and all bolts out of chain cover i cant get the gear shift to slide off,I cant get the clutch cable off,I cant get the chain cover to slide off.I did loosen the cable also.How can i complete my task without damaging anything?
ANSWER: What year and model?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry about that Mike, I have a 1995 Harley Sportster.
Thanks Mike.
Answerthe gear shift will slide off if you have the bolt out. Its just tight. You may have to pry it off. To get the primary cover off you have to remove the derby cover at the back of the primary. Remove the spring behind that, the nut and then loosen the adjuster to remove the other nut. You will have to loosen the chain adjuster as well to get the primary cover off
Good luck and happy riding