Motorcycle Repair: transmission, splines, shaft

the transmission on my bike was all screwed up so i opened it up and found out that the connection between the foot pedal and the gears had gotten loose and fallen off. i just wanna know an easy way to fix this or how to put it back together


Normally the gear selector is clamped on to the selector shaft using a pinch bolt, and there are splines on the shaft.  Check the splines on the shaft and in the gear selector lever.  If the splines are OK, check the thread in the gear selector lever, and the bolt that clamps it.  If all these are fine, then you are lucky and you can just reassemble.  If the bolt threads are stripped or the splines in the gear selector arm are bad, then replace the arm.  If the splines on the shaft are bad, then you need to get into the motor to replace the gear selector shaft.  Good luck,  Jan