Motorcycle Repair: 2003 Low Rider Oil Pan, replacement warrant, frame tubes

QUESTION: My oil pan has stripped drain plug threads and I have to replace it. The manual makes it sound easy, but my two concerns are getting one hard to reach mounting screw out on right side near the rear and manipulating the old tank out and new one in between the frame tubes. Any tricks to the job? Does the replacement warrant dealer service? Thanks much.

ANSWER: Its a bear to get to and a bear to get out, but it will come out. There are no real ticks to getting it out. Just follow the manual and you will do fine
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK, but the manual says no more than drain the fluids, remove the dip stick, remove the ten pan mounting bolts and drop the pan down between the frame tubes. Nothing about loosening the engine mount(s) and raising the engine a bit for increased maneuvering room, which one shop tech said has to be done to get the pan out and in. The hard to reach bolt I can deal with. Is it possible without raising the engine in the frame?
Thanks again.

You dont need to jack up the motor, unless you want to. If you look at the top of the engine you can only raise it about 1/2 inch of you remove the motor mount bolts and top mounts. I have taken the pan out without doing this
Good luck and happy riding