Motorcycle Repair: Valve noise, hydraulic lifters, wind noise

Mike, I have a 2006 FXSTI that has about 6700 miles on it.  The motor is stock and has had no work done to it.  After the bike gets hot and when the temperature is hot as well I can hear what sounds like valves ticking when I let off the gas at 55 MPH.  Its loud enough to be heard over the wind noise as you ride.  It is only noticeable around that certain speed and rpm.  I know I have self adjusting hydraulic lifters but could the oil be breaking down?  I have thought about switching to synthetic oil to see if that helps the ticking noise that I have been hearing.



As long as you change your oil when you are suppose to the oil is not breaking down. With heat the oil gets thin and you might get some lifter noise or the ticking you hear. It doenst hurt anything, just anoying. You can switch oils and that might help the problem
Good luck and happy riding